Earlier today Rob Towles issued a statement from eFusjon regarding Derek Broes, and I predicted the drama will likely continue to unfold. Well, tonight Derek Broes responded on his Facebook pages. And, it would appear that things have gotten ugly. As the screen shots below show, Derek confirms that he is in litigation with eFusjon; Derek claims he invested in eFusjon and the company is trying to repeal his investment; Derek claims eFusjon is trying to prevent him from moving on; Derek claims that eFusjon is making false claims against him. I am afraid it will only get uglier from here...
UPDATE: On Twitter Derek posted, "efusjon is a legal target? :) This is what I do best." Those are fightin' words.
wow...suspicion confirmed!
Funny, everything Derek says is likely true, its called a non-compete and he made certain commitments to the corporation that he did not hold to, so, yeah, he is between a rock and a hard spot.
Rob trusted him to be the field ops guy for a while but the power of 3 took some bad info and made it worse, so finally Rob appeared in the field a few months ago to start cleaning up what he needed to.
Things will get a lot worse before they get better, but I trust Rob a lot more rght now than I do Derek as far as purity of information.
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