Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Derek Broes' Future With eFusjon Is...

For the first time in nearly two months, the eFusjon world heard the voice of Derek Broes again tonight. Left in the dark for weeks, Derek would finally be updating his followers on his position with eFusjon. For many, Derek's decision would be a litmus test on whether they continue with eFusjon or move on.

Postponed at the last minute from Monday night to Wednesday night, the Broes faithful would have to wait a little longer. 7PM Pacific on Wednesday, September 16th finally arrived. But, again, the Broes faithful would have to wait a little longer. Fifteen minutes would go by with Derek coming on the line intermittingly announcing how much he valued our time, but how he wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to join the call. And finally, weeks overdue and two days and 15 minutes late, the call started...

To paraphrase: Derek said, he understands that we've all been waiting. He said, nobody wants you to feel uninformed. Business is incredible, Broes said, and what has been going on is nothing short of business as usual. Being an aggressive entrepreneurial person, Derek is exploring many ways he can have an impact on all of our lives. He wants to make sure he is exploring the edge of the envelope, and he is working hard to determine his future because like us, he takes his future very seriously. Derek does not want to tell us what to do with our future, only what he has done. Derek Broes said, he will be very informative over the coming days and will be in touch with everyone very soon and many times in the very near future. And then without a click or a goodbye, silence befell the call. That was it. It ended so abruptly and awkwardly that I waited in silence for two minutes just to be sure that it was actually over.

In less than five minutes, the call was done. There was no mention of eFusjon. There was no mention of where Derek Broes has been. Nor where Derek Broes is going. Only that Derek would update us again "soon" -- whatever that means. And so the Broes faithful will have to wait a little longer...

And in the mean time, I am left to wonder how someone can say they value my time while wasting it with perpetual time changes, tardiness, and pointless calls?


Dan Midura MI. said...

Focus On Your Business Not What Derek Broes Says or Doesn't Say... If You Have A Pay It Forward Attitude... Efusjon Is The Place To Make Lots Of Money So Focus On Your Team Help Them Get There 3 and There 3 Get 3 My Team Was One Goal and That's to Help New Team Members Get There 3 and Then Get Them 3 A Pay It Forward Attitude Always Wins... From: http://www.EfusjonET.Com

Paul McBride said...

Attn: all Efujonaires..Derek Broes is not the answer..If your going to work your Efusjon Business, Learn some skills to build your business...Quit looking for the Golden opportunity that will lead you to the promised riches.. It does not exist.. You are the one that needs to do things different..

Learn how to stop Promoting your Opportunity
Learn how to make money even when they say NO!
Learn how to put your business on Autopilot..

Anonymous said...

what a joke

Anonymous said...

scammy scam scam, another one bites the dust.

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